Ever since I was a little girl, I have been obsessed with my hair. I was always wanting to grow it long, pin it up in different styles and try everything to make it feel lustrous. My mother regularly massaged my hair and I had a full hair care regime in place. Your hair is after all your crowning glory and I can therefore understand why we all are after those perfect locks.
Now as a mother, busy with life and work, I do not have the luxury of spending hours on hair care. The happy childhood days, non-polluted air and healthy food habits all contributed significantly to strong, healthy hair.
Modern day life has no doubt added to stress and triggers that affect us in more ways than we can fathom. Add to this pollution, quality of food products and a hectic lifetime, and the havoc it can create on tresses is apparent. Without realizing, we put hair through a lot. All this can lead to a series of hair troubles with hair fall being the most prominent one.
Water too which is increasingly polluted can cause hairfall. While it is unreal to expect that we can be protected against pollution and water quality, we can certainly look after our hair.
- Loss in Volume / Thinning of Hair – Low intake of protein and micronutrients can cause nutritional deficiencies and result in hair starting to thin out.
- Stress induced hair fall – Our bodies perceive mental stress the same way as physical hair loss. The hormonal imbalance can affect hair follicles and cause hair loss.
- Hair Breakage – Using heat on hair like with blow dryers and straighteners makes the hair shaft weak and more likely to break easily,
- Slow Pace of Hair Growth – Vitamin D stimulates hair follicles and encourages growth. Low levels can adversely affect hair growth.
While there may be hair concerns, I was sure that there were solutions to be found as well. I have always been an ardent believer in a good oil massage. Not only does it nourish your hair, but it is deeply relaxing and stimulates the nerves. I was in search of a good hair oil with natural ingredients based on the age old wisdom of Ayurveda. A friend suggested that onion hair oil had several proven benefits. I was skeptical at the mention of onion hair oil, however, significant research led to these discoveries –
- Onion oil is a widely accepted Ayurvedic solution to tackle hair fall.
- Onions are loaded with plenty of antioxidants.
- It is rich in Sulphur and prevents breakage.
- It maintains ph levels in hair which can otherwise cause premature greying.
- Onion oil prevents dryness and controls frizz.
As time has gone by, there have been several hair issues that needed to be tackled. The causes can be genetic or due to certain illness / disease. However, for majority cases, common spoilers, such as the following are the main culprits. I am sure most of you have faced the same at some time or the other –
- Loss in Volume / Thinning of Hair – Low intake of protein and micronutrients can cause nutritional deficiencies and result in hair starting to thin out.
- Stress induced hair fall – Our bodies perceive mental stress the same way as physical hair loss. The hormonal imbalance can affect hair follicles and cause hair loss.
- Hair Breakage – Using heat on hair like with blow dryers and straighteners makes the hair shaft weak and more likely to break easily,
- Slow Pace of Hair Growth – Vitamin D stimulates hair follicles and encourages growth. Low levels can adversely affect hair growth.

While there may be hair concerns, I was sure that there were solutions to be found as well. I have always been an ardent believer in a good oil massage. Not only does it nourish your hair, but it is deeply relaxing and stimulates the nerves. I was in search of a good hair oil with natural ingredients based on the age old wisdom of Ayurveda. A friend suggested that onion hair oil had several proven benefits. I was skeptical at the mention of onion hair oil, however, significant research led to these discoveries –
- Onion oil is a widely accepted Ayurvedic solution to tackle hair fall.
- Onions are loaded with plenty of antioxidants.
- It is rich in Sulphur and prevents breakage.
- It maintains ph levels in hair which can otherwise cause premature greying.
- Onion oil prevents dryness and controls frizz.

I decided to give it a try and look for a good quality Ayurvedic Onion Oil. I wanted an onion hair oil ayurvedic to tackle my serious issue of hair fall. I purchased the Kesh King onion hair oil which is an Ayurvedic formulation.

Kesh King is carefully crafted with quality ingredients. I put a few drops on my scalp and massaged it gently so that it would penetrate the hair follicles. To gain the maximum benefit, massage the scalp for a few minutes and allow it to sit in your hair for at least 30 min before you shampoo. It is ideal to use a gentle shampoo post oiling.
The oil had no greasy residue so I could comfortably put it on in the daytime. The scent was subtle and pleasing and not at all overpowering as I first expected. I used this religiously for a few months and the results were apparent.

Not only was my hair looking fuller and well nourished, but the hair had also gotten stronger. I observed that the quantity of hair fall also started reducing.
To make up for the hair fall I had been experiencing, I decided that a re-growth strategy would be required. Three things needed to be tackled at the same time.
- Nourishment to the scalp
- Strengthening roots to prevent hair fall
- Stimulation of hair growth
The Kesh King ayurvedic onion hair oil stimulates your scalp and encourages blood circulation and hair growth. It is made with 21 rare ayurvedic herbs and infused with the fragrance of flowers. It is a non-sticky formula which is suitable for all hair types. I was happy to note that besides tackling hair fall, it also controls dry scalp and dandruff. I noticed with regular use, it adds a softness and shine to the hair.

It proved to be an ideal product to boost growth and minimise hair fall. With the benefits of onion oil ayurvedic which is packed with antioxidants it worked wonderfully in optimizing the hair growth cycle. Onion oil due to the presence of antioxidants prevents bacterial infections and dandruff which can further prevent hair growth.
I have made Kesh King an integral part of my hair care routine. Despite everything my hair goes through and the natural ageing process of the body, I have found my hairfall to have reduced significantly and delayed the process of greying. With soft bouncing hair that feels clean and well looked after, it is my little secret that I wish to share with my friends and followers.
I urge you to give this a try. Oil your hair regularly with the Kesh King Onion hair oil and reap the benefits for a long time. It is amazing how adding 5 min to your hair care regime can allow one to tackle several problems at the same time. Flaunt your tresses and enjoy the glances of appreciation.