Top 4 Herbs for all types of Hair Problems

We all use different kinds of hair oil to make our hair strong, prevent hair loss, dandruff etc. Our hair plays a very important role in our personality. But as we grow old our hair starts to fall due to various reasons. During this time we all start taking help of various hair oils for preventing hair loss. There are thousands of products available in the market which claim to stop the hair fall and even promises hair growth.

But before buying any product you should know which are the important herbs which naturally help in preventing hair loss, hair growth, dandruff problems. I’m going to list some of the important herbs for hair problems.


 – Amla is a fruit that is very beneficial for hair, skin and body. It contains antioxidants and is rich in vitamin C. The Amla herb helps in making hair stronger, prevents hair loss, dandruff.

Aloe Vera

 – Aloe Vera herb is the solution for all hair problems. Aloe vera herbs have anti–inflammatory properties and also contain enzymes that promote hair growth.


 – Shikakai is another important herb which is rich in vitamin C, A, D, E and K. It also contains antioxidants which help to promote hair growth. It has very low PH levels which help in maintain hair natural oils.


 – Brahmi is an ancient herb mostly found all over India. The Brahmi herb is very helpful in preventing hair loss, dandruff and split ends