Hair Loss Prevention: Why Iron and Protein Are Essential

Nowadays, the millennials have sleepless nights for the unexplained thinning of hair and hair loss. The good news is one can treat the hair in most cases and also prevent hair loss. If you see a strand of hair in your hairbrush do not panic, because hair is made of a protein called keratin made by the hair follicles. Every time new hair cells produce the new one and push the old cells through the surface of the skin. Every strand of our hair has a life cycle of three phases: growth, rest, and shedding. Bad diet and stress are the most prominent causes of hair loss in humans. Thankfully, iron tablets for hair loss can control hair fall and promote hair growth naturally

All about hair loss prevention

Role of Protein and Iron

Hair loss in women during childbearing age happens mostly due to iron deficiency in the blood. Women have a high risk of iron deficiency due to regular heavy menstrual periods. When your blood does not have enough red blood cells, which carry the oxygen to the targeted cells that are fuel to our body. When the level of the iron content of our body is very low it affects the count of red blood cells and causes severe damage to the body and hair. The iron supplements for hair loss can promote healthy hair growth.

Every hair strand is made of protein fiber and needs the required amount of protein to grow healthy. When the intake of protein content is low, the body automatically will ration the quantity available by cutting off the hair follicles. Every cell needed the protein to repair the damage in tissue. Every 9 out of 10 people in India has an inadequate amount of protein. This deficiency problem is solved by changing the diet with some more iron and protein-rich food and modifying the lifestyle. Their other nutrients also help in hair growth like omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin E, which helps in the growth of hair follicles healthier. You can look for good iron supplements for hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

Five Natural Sources of Iron for Hair Growth

Here are effective iron supplements for hair loss:

Green leafy vegetables

A vegetarian person tends to have high iron deficiency. Hence, it is advisable to add the required amount of green leafy vegetables for the iron content that helps hair growth. It also helps to have clear skin and strengthen your immune system. You can add the green leafy vegetables as a salad or soup in day-to-day life for healthy hair and skin. These are the best iron supplements for hair loss

Dark chocolate

The cravenness of chocolate during the menstrual period is due to iron deficiency. This is an iron-rich food with antioxidants that helps to improve your hair and skin texture. Hence, you can have dark chocolate without being guilty.


It is the essential part of your diet, which gives 20% of your daily iron need. It is recommended for vegan and vegetarian. It is very helpful to maintain the hair and nails of a person.


Seafood is rich in iron content and you have your daily dose by adding oysters to your diet. It is rich in the source of iron serves 25% of your daily iron need. The collagen in oysters helps in improving skin health and prevents aging of the skin.


Fish and sardines are packed with all essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, and more. You can add sardines to your daily meal as salads, with pasta, or as toast. Iron-rich food is easily available in the market and cost-efficient.

Five natural sources of protein for hair growth

Below are healthy foods to prevent hair loss


Eggs are an excellent source of protein to add to our diet, which prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth. It is rich in protein and keratin, which helps in improving hair density. It provides vitamin D that improves the quality of hair. It is one of the best super foods to prevent hair loss.


Almonds are highly rich in fiber content and protein and plant-based food, which improves the thickness of hair and lessen hair fall. You van a small number of almonds in your diet like in salads or grain bowls, which improves your health by reducing the risk for heart disease. Talking almonds regularly is the best way for hair loss prevention.

Chicken breast

It is one of the most prominent foods for protein, which bumps your protein intake. It also provides other essentials like vitamin B and minerals like zinc and selenium, which also help in improving your hair health.


Avocados are the most delicious and nutrient-rich food. Avocado is an excellent source of vitamin E that promotes your hair health. It also protects skin health by providing fatty acids to the scalp and helps in preventing hair loss or damage.


Meat is a simple and effective source of protein, which aids hair growth. It helps the hair to repair the damaged hair follicles and strengthen them. 100 grams of meat can provide up to 29 grams of protein, which contributes to our daily requirement of protein.

My Go-To Solution to Control Hair Fall is Kesh King Oil, Kesh King Ayurvedic Anti Hair Fall Shampoo, and Kesh King Ayurvedic Hair Growth Capsule

 Hair Loss Prevention Products

Kesh King Oil

Are you looking for a concoction that contains all of the above mentioned ayurvedic herbs? Then what you need is the King Kesh Oil. The King Kesh Oil consists of 21 ayurvedic herbs, which consists of: Brahmi, shikakai, fenugreek, manjistha, tulasi and various others. Together they help provide the following benefits:

● It helps to reduce hair fall
● It helps promote growth of new hair
● It helps to strengthen and nourish hair
● It assists in fighting dandruff
● It is clinically proven to be twice as more effective than each ayurvedic oil.

Hair Loss Prevention Oil

Kesh King Ayurvedic Anti Hair Fall Shampoo

This herbal shampoo contains the goodness of Aloe Vera and 21 rare and potent ayurvedic herbs and makes the hair super soft and smooth. It is the best anti-hair fall shampoo and is free from harmful chemicals. Within a few weeks, you can notice a visible reduction in hair fall and it makes the hair silky, shiny, and super smooth. The goodness of amalaki, Bhringraj, methi and japa deeply nourishes the hair and keep the scalp healthy. It is also the most reliable shampoo to prevent hair loss.

• Reduces up to 80% hair fall
• Makes hair smooth, silky and soft
• Controls dandruff
• Suitable for all hair types
• Free from harmful chemical

Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo

Kesh King Ayurvedic Hair Growth Capsule

The hair growth capsule from Kesh King helps in the regrowth of hair and increases the circulation of the hair follicle. The best part is the capsules help in protecting and nourishing the hair and contain the goodness of bhringraj, Brahmi, amla, ashwagandha powder. These are the best ayurvedic capsules for hair fall and also promote healthy hair gain.

  • Prevents premature graying
  • Reduces Hair Fall
  • Split end
  • Dandruff
  • Sleeplessness

Ayurvedic Hair Growth Capsule

Hair loss prevention is possible with a protein and iron-rich diet and also by using the right hair care products. For a healthy scalp and beautiful hair, do checkout Kesh King products.